NU5A Automatic Sharpening Machine with LASER scanning

4 essential characteristics

Compact overall size
The compact dimensions allow easy and problem-free installation and integration in production lines.

Ease of use
The NU5A COMPACT SCAN does not need specialised operators. Training on how to use the machine requires a very little time. Ordinary maintenance is reduced to keep the machine clean. Skilled operator could adjust the geometry of the tool if necessary, assisted by the software that prevents any mistake.

Informations about the tool are automatically collected by the software through the laser. It is easy to verify the geometrical properties of the tool to be ground. An automatic procedure also allows to check and compensate the shape of the grinding wheels. Software automatically warns about ordinary operations (wheels measuring, wheels dressing and warm-up).

For companies, reducing power consumption and working times is extremely important:

• to limit energy consumption and therefore environmental impact
• to make the production process more efficient

The NU5A Compact Scan achieves both of these objectives: in terms of consumption, the energy required is reduced by 60%, ensuring fast operating speeds for cleanliness and precision.

Characteristics of sharpenable tools
Tools in tungsten carbide and HSS
Helix angle: 0-45°
Diameters: from 3mm to maximum allowed by the chuck (25mm – 1”)
Dimensions of collets on request.


Software features
The software supports the cylindrical cutters. In addition to the standard spiral router bits it also supports:
• rougher
• positive or negative helix
• up-down (compression spiral bit)
• right or left
• differentiated helix angles
• from 1 to 4 flutes and1 to 3 for the up-down (compression) mills

The software is able to recognise chipped cutting edges. The sharpening program setup is totally automated. The integrated collision avoidance system prevents any damages.

Future software upgrades and options:
• up to 12 flutes and 4 for up-down (compression) mills
• radius type
• ball nose
• conical tapered
• double diameter
• other geometries will be supported depending on market demand


Axes controller

Proprietary with MIPS32® M4K® Core processor 5 axes can be controlled simultaneously

Operator interface

Touch screen • Diagonal dimension: 8,4”  Resolution 800×600

Sharpening head

BLDC motor •Speed: up to 6500 rpm • Nominal power:
Support for 2 grinding wheels (diameters 100mm and 75mm)

Motorised axes

X – Milling cutter axial transfer • Resolution: 0.001mm • Max
speed: 3m/min

Y – Milling cutter lateral transfer• Resolution: 0.001mm • Max speed:

Z – Grinding wheel height • Resolution: 0.001mm • Max speed:

A – Milling cutter rotation  • Resolution: 0,0007°

C – Grinding wheel angle rotation • Resolution: 0,001°

B1 – Laser positioning • Resolution: 0,0007°

Analysis system

Class II laser sensor • Hardware: Industrial PC with Intel®Core ™ i5
Angular precision: 0,03° • Radial precision: 0.6µm

Analysis functions

Automatic analysis of the milling cutter’s geometry:
– Helix angle
– Cutting edge angle
– Rake angle
– End angles
Analysis of grinding wheels geometry and consumption


Sharpening of cutting edge • Sharpening of radial rake • End sharpening

Milling cutters supported

 Diameters from 3mm to 25mm or 1”


Ethernet TCP/IP (Wi-fi optional)


1200X700X950 mm


610 kg


Minimal lubro cooling • Flow: 0.5 – 3 ml/min • Reservoir: 2l • Motorized nozzle


Centrifugal extractor with filter, 300m3/h